What is the GPL? The concept of ‘open source’ is likely familiar to many. It refers to software or code that is freely accessible. This means you have the liberty to use, replicate, study, modify, enhance, or distribute the software according to your preferences.

WordPress, renowned as open source software, operates under the principles of the GPL (General Public License), which you can explore further on the WordPress website.

The key takeaway is that any software built upon the foundation of WordPress must uphold the original GPL license.

Implications for You: This does not signify that developers are prohibited from selling you the code they’ve crafted. Rather, it implies that once you acquire this code, you possess the liberty to wield it as you see fit.

Thus, it is well within legal boundaries to access plugins and themes from this platform. Feel free to download as many as desired and incorporate them into numerous projects.

Affordability of a WordPress Website: The cost of owning an exceptional WordPress website should not be a hindrance, regardless of your income, occupation, or location.

Your subscription greatly aids us in procuring licenses for plugins and themes, and enables us to continually introduce fresh content to the site.

The items available here are sourced directly from the developers themselves. They are entirely authentic, devoid of any malicious elements, backdoors, viruses, or similar concerns. We are vigilant in maintaining their quality and keeping them current.

Should you seek reasonably priced plugins and themes, your support would be greatly appreciated. Our platform is designed with you in mind.

A Brief Disclaimer: Our fundamental difference from the original developers lies in our inability to provide technical assistance. This is the reason we can offer the software at a fraction of the initial cost.

Therefore, if you anticipate requiring ongoing technical support for a particular product, it might be prudent to consider purchasing directly from the developers. Links to each developer’s page are available on the respective product listings.

We wish to make it clear that while the offerings on GPL Times consist of original products, we are not the primary authors. Our role centers around redistributing the software, a right granted to us under the GPL license.

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